
Jimmy Wong

Jimmy Wong is an art director and visual design lead in the San Francisco area. He is currently working at Google on future-thinking product experiences.

He’s worked in the field of design for several years at Butchershop — building unique brand experiences and helping companies position their brand for the future. With a background in Health Science, Jimmy has a unique perspective on design that is analytical and human-centric. With the idea that good design helps people, his role as a designer is to create experiences. Design is just as much a creative craft to harness visual emotion as it is a science of solving problems. He is always try to understand the bigger picture and how all the pieces connect as well as analyze the subtle nuances of design. 

As a design lead he manages projects and teams of various sizes — creating the art direction for designs that level up to the strategy and larger vision for a brand. He works closely with clients to create the visual tools and systems that are right for their brand and aligned with their business goals. Jimmy is interested in working with like-minded people. Please reach out if you have any questions or opportunities regarding paid positions or freelance work.

Email: jamesekwong@gmail.com